7 Qualities Of A Good Social Media Manager

7 Qualities Of A Good Social Media Manager

Being a social media manager in today’s world is no easy task. Almost every company has an online presence now. 90% of brands use social media to increase brand awareness.

That’s a lot, and with every business social media account comes social media management. With so much happening online every single second, it is tougher than ever for a social media manager to grab somebody’s attention.

A social media manager is given the important task of retaining and engaging existing customers as well as bringing in new ones. So what qualities should a social media manager have in order to do all this? Let’s take a look at this list!

Great communication skills

Social media is, of course, all about being social. It’s a given that every social media manager should have wonderful communication skills. Knowing what not to say, what to say and how to say it makes all the difference. The company’s online reputation depends on how the manager responds to various queries or complaints. Making sure that in the face of a rude feedback, one doesn’t respond in kind is crucial. Handling comments received through social channels, good and bad, while keeping it classy is of utmost importance. Someone who keeps their tone conversational as well as polite is key.


Keeping track of the statistics is one of the most essential things in the life of a social media manager. It’s necessary to monitor what is working, what is not, what do people respond to and what they don’t respond to. They are always aware of the current news as well as trends. They are also knowledgeable about the competition and aware of what they’re doing on their social media channels.

Traits social media manager


It’s a proven fact that visual elements work best on social media in comparison to just text. A social media manager will use this to their advantage and incorporate visual elements in their posts. But a good social media manager will get creative with it. They will use various types of visual formats like YouTube videos, slideshows, infographics, pictures, live videos and so much more to keep things fresh. A well-designed creative post will stand out and give you the engagement that you want for your page!

Good planner

A bad social media community manager is haphazard and posts whatever they want, whenever they want. But, a good one will be strategic and plan out things for the week, or even the month! For example, knowing the weekly hashtags such as #MondayMotivation and #WednesdayWisdom and integrating them into your relevant posts will give you the visibility and boost that you need. Similarly, you can plan your entire schedule in this way and stay on top of your game.


Nothing is worse than a dead social media account of a company. It indicates that the company is not interested to communicate with its audience. It essentially closes off a bridge of communication between the company and the customer. Don’t let that happen to you. When you hire a good social media manager, your social accounts will be highly active. Filled with a variety of informative posts as well as replies to people, your company’s account will become valuable to your business. Timely responses to complaints received online can also help to create a positive experience for the customer.

Knows scheduling

The world has different time zones and it’s important to schedule your posts to keep everyone engaged. Scheduling posts is great for visibility and also to get comments that you can reply to when you’re back online. It ensures constant participation from your audience. Using analytics, you can figure out when your audience is most likely to see your content and respond to you.

Internet savvy

Someone who knows how to use the internet to research about anything and everything makes for a good social media manager. It’s more than just knowing how to use email and google search. It’s crucial to know about the best social media tools, browser extensions, SEO tools etc. It is guaranteed to be of great help!

Summing up

There’s no formula for being the perfect social media manager. I’m not sure if a perfect one even exists! But if you have the traits and qualities mentioned in this list, you definitely have it in you to become an amazing one! Good luck.

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