20 Ways To Cheer Up On A Bad Day

20 Ways To Cheer Up On A Bad Day

Who doesn’t have bad days? Even the brightest, most cheerful person you know goes through bad situations, bad news or just overall bad days. Life is not sunshine and rainbows after all. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we deal with it. So what should you do when you’re back home after a terrible day? Dont worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are 20 options to cheer you up!

  1. Listen to upbeat music:

    Smiling Woman Listening To Music by imagerymajestic

    Whenever you’re depressed, scroll to the most upbeat songs you have, and blast them on your speaker or headphones. You’ll end up forgetting all your worries and get into the mood of the song, instantly cheering you up. I admit, Taylor Swift’s Shake it off is currently my go-to song. So catchy. 😛

  2. Take a warm bath:

    A warm bath will make your ‘annoyed’ state of mind turn to a calm
    one. Just relax, breathe and enjoy your alone time.

  3. Talk to a loved one (on phone or even better, in person):

    Hearing the soothing voice of a loved one will immediately make you forget your bad day. If you get to see them too, then hug them for as long as you can! It is scientifically proven to make you happier!

  4. Go out to a restaurant/movie:

    If you’re fond of the outdoors – get up, dress up and go out! With your significant other or your friends, you can go club hopping or have dinner at a fancy restaurant. Movies are a plus! Enjoy your night and end it on a great note!

  5. Stay home and have fun:

    If you’re an indoorsy person – fear not! You can have just as much as fun. Order home delivery/takeaway from your favorite eatery and watch your all-time favorite movie/tv show along with it – in pajamas, huddled up on your couch, with pillows around you. Bliss.

  6. Meet up friends:

    Real friends, true friends, school friends, college friends – any of them! Set up a meeting location, meet up and talk all about your good memories together. You’ll have a smile on your face all night.

  7. Watch Youtube videos:

    Youtube On Tablet by winnond

    Youtube is just a gold mine of content. Depending on your choice of comedy – cats? cute pandas? viral videos? honest trailers? sketches and skits? pewdiepie? It’s all right there for you. You’ll be gigglin’ in no time.

  8. Write a journal/diary:

    Notepad And Three Pens by LeeGillion

    Don’t just type online, write a journal. Writing is therapeutic to some and what better than the feeling of writing with an ink pen/fountain pen on paper!

  9. Dance! :

    Dance your heart out – bust out all your moves and dance your worries away.

  10. Paint, draw, sketch:

    Creation of any form of art is healing. Start with whatever you feel like creating on a piece of paper. Who knows, you might find a hidden talent in you!

  11. Read a book:

    Books have an ability to take you away to another world, far different from your harsh reality. It is important to escape from the real world and live in a fantasy world, at least for a little while. Make sure to choose a genre you’re super interested in, and keep away from sob stories when you’re feeling down already.

  12. Cry (if you feel like it):

    Let it out. Even shout if you want to. And when you’re done – smile. You have let all your negative energies go, now you only have space for happy vibes!

  13. Play with your pet:

    Pets are naturally great companions and if you have a pet, cuddle with them and feel the love!

  14. Social media detox:

    Social Media Computer Key by Stuart Miles

    “Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes life with other people’s highlight reel!”. Social media is a place where everyone is updating about all the good things in their lives and we often end up comparing our life with their apparent ‘amazing’ life. Everybody has problems, not everyone reveals them. So a social media detox now-and-then isn’t so bad.

  15. Sing at the top of your lungs:

    If you can’t sing, no worries! At home, nobody will judge you. Be free and sing all your top favorites along to the instrumentals available online.

  16. Play an instrument :

    If you’re skilled at any instrument, then go ahead and play it. Compose a song! It will take your mind off the bad things and make you feel happy.

  17. Eat your comfort food:

    Not all the time – but when you’re feeling exceptionally depressed, you can gobble up some of your favorite lip-smacking food and enjoy every bite of it. It’s okay to have cheat days once in a while. Hey, even @TheRock has cheat days!

  18. Play video games:

    “Games” by Arvind Balarama

    Right from Mario to Assassin’s Creed Unity – take your pick and get engrossed in your game for a couple of hours. Just like books, video games have an ability to take you into another world.

  19. Clean your room:

    For some, cleaning their room or wardrobe makes them feel good & organized and if you’re one of them – just put your happy vibes playlist on and do your cleaning to the beats of the songs.

  20. Make love.

    That’s all. No explanation needed.

These were  the 20 things to cheer you up when you’ve had a long, tiring or difficult day! Make sure to bookmark this post so that the next time you’re sad and you don’t know how to get over it – you’ll have a handy list of things to-do! Stay happy guys 🙂

Images courtesy of Andy Newson, Arvind Balarama, LeeGillion, imagerymajestic, Stuart Miles, winnond at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

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  1. Nicky, when I saw the title of your post, I knew I would come back to read it.

    Someone who is working for us threw me for a loop!

    I like a lot of your suggestions and regularly practice quite a few of them! Maybe it helps explain why my life is mostly happy 🙂

    Thanks for sharing sunshine with the world 🙂

    ((HUGS)) Terri
    terri nakamura recently posted..The Beauty of RejectionMy Profile

  2. Wow, thank you! I am so happy that I could help in some way with that process! Yes, you definitely deserve to be happy and the great thing is that a situation like this presents you with an opportunity to receive something even better for you! 🙂

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