How To: Be Safe On Twitter

As we know, there are all kinds of people on twitter. If you’ve been on twitter for a while, you must’ve had your share of experiences with spam DMs, weirdos, stalkers etc.

Twitter is growing and it is extremely important to take all measures for your safety. With every tweet, remember that you are revealing something about yourself. Be careful on the internet. I believe it is essential, not just for young teens but also for adults, to think twice (even more than that) before hitting the tweet button.

Following are a few points you should take care while you are on Twitter, Facebook or any other social networking site.

1. Direct Messages : Since these messages don’t appear in the public timeline, we tend to be less careful about what we write. Even if you’re DMing with someone you “trust”, just remember that those messages still remain in their email inbox (if they have allowed notifications through email) even after deletion. Moreover, screenshots are easy to take. Just to be on the safer side, be careful with whom you have DM conversations.

2. Suspicious Links: If you receive DMs with odd looking links even from a friend, I’d suggest, don’t click on it. Those links might take you to malicious sites. If you aren’t sure, don’t click on it!

3. Location: A lot of tweeps are also on foursquare. They happen to tweet their location. This can/might have some hazardous effects. I read a tweet which was an excellent advice by @RickBakas :

In settings, check that “Add location to my tweets” box is un-clicked (It is, by default, unclicked).
Also, if you want to approve who follows you, you can protect your tweets.

4. @Replies : I receive weird tweets everyday and I’ve learned to tackle them. One thing is, if you aren’t comfortable with it, don’t reply to the tweet.It is not mandatory to reply to each and every tweet. You choose your friends on twitter.

5. Block : Haven’t we all used this button at least once? Comes in handy many a times. If you’re having experiences of harassment on twitter, be sure to let @twitter know about it.

6. Too much personal information: Revealing your phone number, credit card details, address, your schedules etc on the internet is completely wrong. Just remember, what you say on the internet, stays there forever!

7. Change password regularly: Changing a password twice a month is considered good. Keep strong passwords which become difficult to crack into. You definitely don’t want your twitter account to be hacked.

These were some points which we must keep in mind in order to be safe on twitter. Are there any other precautionary measures you take? Feel free to share in the comments below.

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  1. Great post again Nicky, quite informative too. I'd keep in mind all the points. Thanks for sharing your views. 🙂

  2. Thanks, Shilpi 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog and for your lovely comment! You rock!

  3. Impeccable timing as my account was hacked while I was tweeting. Thank you for the tips and thank you @FloetryCatnap for RT so I was able to see this!

  4. G8 tips and blog Nicky.I visited your blog first time and now i have to keep visiting to check out really useful articles.
    m lucky that yet m away from hacking thing on Twitter but I will surely take care of your tips to be safe in future.

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